Tuesday, May 19, 2015


 Hey(sleepy tone)......what time is it?

Hi all. Its been far to long.
So, what's been going on.....? well, Life really.
I have been given the gift of a son. He is beautiful, bright, and happy and I couldn't ask for more.
While there are tremendous upsides to this, the downside has been my spare time.
Hence the humungous lag in keeping this blog going, so sorry.
Time to start on the on my second year in sculpture.

Ahhh! I know what you're thinking.......key rings!
Dead right. following on from the cotton bud idea got me thinking about other banal, everyday items.
Key rings fit the bill just nicely so that is what I started playing with.
I don't want to bore you so here is the finished installation.

Please don't ask me how many key rings because I can't remember.I particularly liked the shadow as much as the work itself. It took quite awhile to decide on the final install as there were so many possibilities.

I kind of started moving away from the banal and decided to stitch up the gallery space. I couldn't begin to tell you exactly what this work says albeit that it still refers to space and more precisely which space you can enter an which spaces you cannot.


This was a fairly large rope, around 45mm or 1 3/4 inch round. Space kind of became the idea around which I was basing my work around our ideas of space but that all changed in my last year..........

Hopefully, it won't take so long to post.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Uni Yeahs......and Nos!

Hi.I want to give everyone a background on my journey through university by posting images of works from 1st year until graduation. 2006 is where it all starts and 2010 is where it all began again albeit in a different way, but a taster is some of the Yeahs and Nos of 2006.


The bucket and plastic cup works were part of theme I had going which was to talk about volume and in particular the volume of my body. Needless to say these and other works relating to that theme were not to well received by the faculty or myself. The above work started me on a new path of found banal objects that could be used to talk about something quite different but in many forms the same. Space. This work is fashioned from several hundred cotton buds in a triangular form creating joined pentagonal shapes. I must say here that the humble cotton bud saved me and my time at Uni! Phew!!! Art became, not just pleasurable but really, really interesting.

The square form lent itself well to the cotton bud and I was able to manipulate the form which was not possible with the surprisingly strong triangular shape.

The above image is from my first group show held at the University of Canterbury in 2006 and the work contains some 2400 cotton buds!
This is all i wish to share of my first year of Uni Yeahs....and Nos.
hope you enjoy

2007 to come.......

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ta Daaa!

Hello big new world!

I have taken a small jump and I am excited to see where I might land!?
The 'land' part is relative to the 'jump' part in the sense that those who follow this blog will
react favorably or dis-favorably to the ''jump' and thus the 'land' will always be changing, sometimes for better, and sometimes for worse. Either way, the fall might be fun and exciting and what more could one want anyway!

In the coming weeks I will post images of works and try to give clear details of each work and I invite comments from all who wish to.

                                     "Pheonix Rising" Corten Steel, 2012, h. 3mtr, d. 2mtr, w. 2mtr.

This first work was a commissioned piece for Montieths Brewery in Greymouth, NZ.
The work resulted from a series of similar works for an exhibition at Papergraphica entitled
"Drawings in Steel" You can click on the link and search my name to view more pieces for that show and also a later show entitled "Fold"